Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Fixed Electricity: We offer a low 5-year fixed electricity rate at 8.69¢/kWh. Customers who sign up for a fixed natural gas plan are eligible for this special rate. When fixed electricity is not paired with fixed natural gas the discounted rate is 8.89¢/kWh. These prices are guaranteed for five years, but customers can cancel at anytime with no penalties.

Fixed Natural Gas: We offer a low 5-Year fixed natural gas rate at $3.89/GJ. This plan is a five-year commitment and there is a cancellation fee of $250. However, you can take the contract with you to a different location in Alberta to avoid the cancellation fee. If you leave Alberta the cancellation fee does not apply.

Variable Natural Gas: Our variable natural gas rate changes monthly as market prices change and is calculated as the wholesale price + $0.99/GJ.

We service all of Alberta with electricity and natural gas. The only exception is customers who belong to a natural gas co-op.

Distribution fees, transmission fees, rate riders and other related charges are government regulated. No matter which retailer you choose those fees will be the same. Changing your retailer does not change your distribution company. For example, all retailers in a specific area will use the Fortis electricity lines.

At the top of step 1 on our signup form choose your start date to be one day before your current contract expires. Your pricing with us will be secured, but nothing will change over until the date you’ve chosen.

There are no fees to get started with us as long as services are currently connected. If electricity or natural gas has been shut off then the distribution company will charge for the reconnection. We do not add any profit margin on to the reconnection fees charged by the distribution company. There are no cancellation fees on fixed electricity or floating natural gas. The fixed natural gas contract has a cancellation fee of $250. However, you can take the contract with you to a different location in Alberta to avoid that fee. If you leave Alberta the cancellation fee does not apply.

On your chosen start date everything will transfer over automatically with no hassle or interruption of service. The account with your previous provider will be cancelled. There is no need to contact your previous provider to close your account. You will get a final bill from them after starting with us, but there will never be any overlap or double billing.

We offer a variety of payment methods including pre-authorized debit, pre-authorized credit card (2.4% fee applies), online banking, e-transfer, and in-person payments at the bank. Invoices are emailed five days before they are due, so there is always time to review things beforehand.

We offer both a summer rate and standard rate for solar production. The summer season runs from May 1 to September 30 and has historically been at 30¢/kWh. The start and end dates can be adjusted upon request. The summer rate is for customers who are confident that their system produces more than what they use. The standard rate is for customers who produce less than what they use and it gives credit for production year-round at the fixed electricity rate they signed up for. Please email if you wish to participate in the summer rate or if you have additional questions about our solar program.

No, your service reliability will not be affected. Services provided by energy retailers differ only by price and other contract features. The electricity or natural gas will continue to come to your home or business through the same network of wires or pipes no matter who you choose as an energy retailer. You will continue to receive the same level of delivery quality, emergency response and meter readings.

We no longer offer equalized billing. Instead, we bill each month based on the meter readings that are sent to us. With budget billing programs there is typically an annual (or semi-annual) true-up to ensure that the amount paid each month covered actual usage. In many cases the amount paid does not cover actual usage so there is then a surprise true-up amount owed. We believe this defeats the entire purpose of budget billing which is focused on predictability.

If you have a power outage or other energy related emergency, please call the distribution company for your area (ATCO Electric, ENMAX, EPCOR, FORTIS Alberta, ATCO Gas, etc.). Contact numbers for the distribution companies can be found on your current bill.

Our specialty is providing low cost electricity and natural gas to people in Alberta. We do not handle water and garbage services. Each city or town in Alberta has only one provider for those services. For example, Enmax provides water and garbage services for Calgary and Epcor does the same for Edmonton. Our customers receive their invoices electronically and pay by pre-authorized debit, so the separate bill from us for electricity and gas is simple and hassle free.

Still Have Questions About Our Services?

T: 587-839-0094